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Instructional Technology

Dekalb County Schools

Usernames and Passwords

All DCSD teachers, students, and staff must obtain an Active Directory (AD) login or username and password to access the district’s systems.

Steps for Setting Up Access to DCSD Systems

  1. Obtain your Employee Identification Number, (EIN) 
     Upon hire, all DCSD employees are assigned an EIN by Human Resources. This is an eight digit number. The first four digits are your hire year and the second four digits are a random number. 

  2. Identify your Active Directory (AD)  Login. 
    Your AD Login is used to log into DCSD’s various systems, including AD. It is the letter “e” for employee plus your EIN.

  3. Log into a DCSD workstation first to set your password.
    All staff must initially log in via a district workstation physically located in one of our buildings to set your password.  Your initial password is Password1.

    Upon initial log in, each teacher will be required to reset their password to a strong password.
    The new password must be entered twice.
    The password must follow these requirements: 
    • At least 8 characters
    • At least one capital and lowercase letter 
    • At least one numeric character 
    • Cannot contain any part of the user's name
After entering your new Active Directory password, please allow 30 minutes for the system to sync the O365 password. Once it is synced it will be the same as your Active Directory password.  
           You have now set up your access to log into your computer and Office365 (email and collaboration tool).

For access to DCSD systems and applications, check out the login summary below:  

Active Directory
(Used to log on to your computer)
Username: Employee Number (ex. e12345678)
Initial Password: Password1
Password: Must be 8 letters and 1 number (the first letter must be a capital letter)
Office 365
Access from Office 365 Portal
Infinite Campus
Username: Employee Number
Initial Password: Same password that has been established for Active Directory and Office 365. You will need to imput this password as it will not automatically log you in even if you are logged into the computer.
ENGAGE (Professional Development) 
Access from Office 365 Portal 
Access from Office 365 Portal