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Schools Closed- Asynchronous Learning Day/ All Activities and Athletics Cancelled 1/21/25

Instructional Technology

Dekalb County Schools

Meet the Instructional Technology Team

Priorities of the Instructional Technology Department

The priorities of the DeKalb County School District Instructional Technology Department include:  

  • Promoting awareness of the approved DCSD digital tools.
  • Facilitating the integration using high-impact teaching strategies that leverage technology.
  • Encouraging the expansion of these tools and strategies.

DCSD Strategic Goal Area & IT Alignment

Goal Area I: Student Success with Equity and Access
Improve student mastery of learning standards by providing equitable access to technology for all students and staff.
Tech Plan Goal 1: Empowered Learning Environment
Cultivate and support a constantly accessible learning environment supported by innovative technology that encourages all students to be active, creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally connected society.
Tech Plan Strategies to Meet the Goal
Implement a systemic device management program.
Implement a digital citizenship and literacy program that leverages student participation to inform a student-centered technology-rich learning environment.
Implement district technology integration strategies to ensure teachers cultivate an empowered learning environment.

Goal Area II: Stakeholder Engagement and Communication 
Increase the effectiveness of parental engagement experiences by hosting Tech Café events district-wide that enhance the digital literacy of parents and the community.
Tech Plan Goal II: Community Partnership
Engage in ongoing collaboration and partnerships with parents, community organizations, and business partners to support students’ learning and development while expanding learning opportunities, community services, and civic participation.
Tech Plan Strategies to Meet the Goal
Increase partnerships with community organizations and business partners to extend access to the DCSD virtual learning environment and exposure to authentic learning opportunities beyond school hours.

Develop digital citizenship and literacy learning opportunities for the parents and the community to address the DCSD virtual learning environment.

Implement a parent portal option that facilitates robust digital communication and collaboration between parents, teachers, administrators, and students.

Goal Area III: Staff Effectiveness
Develop a high-performing staff by providing a professional learning community that supports technology awareness, integration, and expansion.
Tech Plan Goal 3: Professional Development
Develop collaborative, job-embedded, differentiated, and data-driven professional development experiences for all staff that ensures consistent and effective integration of technology in all environments.
Tech Plan Strategies to Meet the Goal
Enhance current professional development plan that addresses classroom-focused technology competencies and literacies for integration and expansion as well as business enterprise operations for all staff.
Develop local-school technology integration strategies that support identified learning goals and provide relevant job-embedded experiences.
Identify and train technology integration advocates for each building to further support and model 21st Century teaching, learning, and assessment.